neděle 24. března 2024

Mobile Czech - language course for busy people

Do you have a time for language course? Probably not. Maybe you work on shifts, maybe you live in a village far from language courses, maybe you are busy with family.

I have created course of Czech language that will help you. In each course there are 28 short lessons. Every morning (including weekends) you will get an email with links to video and exercises. Video is short, 3-8 minutes. Exercises should not take more than a few minutes. And everything works on you mobile phone. 

You could be in Czech Republic for a few months or even years and still not able to talk. Czech language is difficult but you can learn it - you just need a system.

My courses make system. It make system to follow numbers. But if you are in Czechia long time, probably you know something and you can choose "higher" level of language. 

The price is between 200 and 250 Kč for a whole month - 28 lessons.

Mobile Czech 1 - lesson 1-28 - from 15th of April 2024  - 240 Kč >>>

Mobile Czech 2 - lesson 29-56 - from 1st of April 2024  - 250 Kč  >>>

Mobile Czech 3 - lesson 57-84 - from 29th of April 2024 - 230 Kč >>>

sobota 6. ledna 2024

Level A2 - how much is it?

 Generally, roughly for Czech language on level A2 you need about 200 hours of learning (with or without teacher or actively communicating in Czech). 

You need about 1000 of words. List of most frequent words in Czech is available on wikipedia:

Why do you need an individual course?

 There is a huge amount of videos and other learning materials on internet. So why to pay for expensive course?

Because the language is a system and efective learning needs systematic aproach.

The best way is to combine learning at course, using free materails from internet and using language naturally among Czech people.